What Next?

Now that we have finished the Lightning Thief, what were your thoughts? Are there any questions that were left unanswered that you have been wondering about? Did the book spark enough interest that you would want to read the next books in the series?


What is a Hero?

Our read aloud, The Lightning Thief, deals A LOT with heroes and what people have done to become a "hero". Percy has the opportunity to become a hero himself.
What is a hero? One dictionary defines a hero as one noted for courage, greatness, etc. Another dictionary defines a hero as a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.
What would it take for someone to become a hero? Who do you consider as a hero to you and why?


The Lightning Thief

As we have been reading the Lightning Thief as a read aloud, a lot of things are starting to happen as the story begins to get a little more complicated. Percy and his friends are having to use some quick thinking and make some tough decisions in order to meet up with Hades. What are some things that surprised you about the kids' meeting with the Lord of the Underworld? What things have happened in our latest reading that have changed the story's plot and what do you predict will happen next?

If nothing else, create an "I Wonder" statement about what you are thinking as we close in on the end of the novel.