In our OSCAR class, we are reading aloud the novel, Project Mulberry, by Linda Sue Park. The story is about two middle school students who have to come up with a project for an afterschool club. They decide to raise silkworms as their project. The book sparked an interest in our class and so we wanted to try our hand at raising them ourselves. Our goal is to use the information we get from the novel and through our own investigations and research to raise as many silkworms as we can.
Being that it's the middle of February in the state of Kansas, we had to send off for some silkworm eggs instead of live larvae. We are ordering the eggs from Niles Biological in California. We have come up with many questions about silkworms through classroom discussions and as we read, are compiling a list of steps from the novel that we will need to take to successfully raise our silkworms.
We will post results, observations, research, and testimonials about our experience here in our reading blog. Check back often to see how our project is coming along.
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