It happened today. Riley was the first to notice something different about the eggs on the TV screen. He said, "Hey look, one egg is glowing." It had turned white. Little did we know that out of the view of the camera, a little worm had emerged and was foraging for some food. It was Jonathan who announced to everyone, "Mr. Boyer, I think we've got a live one here!" after he went to take pictures of the dish for the day. Sure enough, not only had one worm emerged from it's egg, but two had hatched. They were crawling around and moving around the petri dish exploring their new world. Well, as you can imagine, we were very excited to see that our eggs weren't duds as we were starting to wonder. Wow, two baby silkworms. We are now proud parents. *Sniff Sniff* Tear.

I think that is wonderful that two baby worms hachted from an egg.So do you no where they are now?I wonder if they still are alive?What did you name the baby worms?
From,Mikaela J
Baby silkworms? WOW thats pretty cool! How long long did it take for the to hatch?
Well im glad to hear that that they werent little duds and I hope you had fun taking care and watching them hatch!!GOOD job
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