What is a Hero?

Our read aloud, The Lightning Thief, deals A LOT with heroes and what people have done to become a "hero". Percy has the opportunity to become a hero himself.
What is a hero? One dictionary defines a hero as one noted for courage, greatness, etc. Another dictionary defines a hero as a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.
What would it take for someone to become a hero? Who do you consider as a hero to you and why?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A hero can be someone you look up to. lots of people think that a hero is someone who saves lives like Batman or Superman. I think that my hero would be my grandpa because in the summer I go with my grandpa on the farm I ride on the tractor and combine with him.

Anonymous said...

To me a hero is a person who does great things like save people's lives.Some heros in my life are my parents,some teachers,and to princesses a knight in shining armor.

Anonymous said...

i think heroes are people that help other people my hero is my dad because he likes to help me by doing my chores or driving me to school

Anonymous said...

A hero is someone that would risck there life to save you.

for someone to be a hero they would have to be nice to others.

I think my mom and dad is a hero to me because they help me when I'm hert

Anonymous said...

It is someone who saves someone else or it is a person some one looks up to.of my hero is my aunt because she does alot of good stuff

Anonymous said...

I think a hero is a person that saves or helps another person.

For someone to be a hero it takes braveness and courage and greatness.

Dad, because when I get hert My dad tells me to tuffen up

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

a hero to me is someone who saves people.my hero is my family

Anonymous said...

To be a hero you have to be nice to yourself because you are the hero of your life, other people help, but they aren't hero's.

Anonymous said...

a hero i think is someone who you can look up to and admire. like people would say that superman is a hero but hes just someone who has super powers. someone who would be my hero is mabye my dad.

NoAhZaJaK peace out

Anonymous said...

i think a hero is someone who helps others(like spider man or super man)my hero is terence newman he is my hero because he works hard and never ouits.

Anonymous said...

I think that a hero could also be someone that you look up to.

Anonymous said...

I think a hero is a person who would risk there life for you.A son or daughter of a god.someone who helps others.

Anonymous said...

A hero is someone who tries their best to help others

Anonymous said...

A hero is some one who saves people or someone who you look up to.My hero is my cousin Andrew Kohls, he helped me when I was in The Music Man.

Anonymous said...

I think a hero is like a rolmodel.
My rolmodels are my parents there just great.Anyway Percy I think if he becomes a hero he will make a pretty good one.Thats my opinion.

Anonymous said...

A hero to me is a person that saves peoples lives and that someone you can look up to. It would probably take courage and to be brave of anything. My heroes or hero to me is my whole family because when I get hurt in a sport or anything else they support me to keep on playing and never give up. So those are my heroes.

Anonymous said...

a hero is a person who does great things and helps people when they need it or even when the person is feeling bad.my hero is my dad because he helps me clean my room and when i lose things he helps me find them.thats why my dad is my hero!

Anonymous said...

To me a hero is someone you look up to and count on,but to other people a hero is someone who goes around the world saving lives.
My hero's would have to be my grandma and grandpa because no matter what I know they will always be there for me!!

Anonymous said...

To me a hero is someone that is important to you and someone who you can count on. MY hero would be probably my grandma because when my parents are at work she comes over and cooks and cleans and does everything she can to help me and my brother. SHe just recently broke her feamer bone in her leg and tomorrow is her birthday she still comes over and does anything that can help us.

Anonymous said...

A hero is a person who stands up for others and lets them say there word for anything.My hero would probaly be Xan because she is nice,respectful,caring,honest,
understanding,and she is also fair.My other hero would probably be my family,because they are always there for me and they never let me down.My dog Duke could also be my hero because he protects me and my family from any danger around me.A hero could also be someone who is brave and lots of courge.

Anonymous said...

A hero is someone you look up to. Like a baseball player or a family member. someone who puts others before them. Or you want to a be like them when you grow up like say a supermodel maybe you want to be skinny like them truth is you probablly won't be. But it's good to have a dream. Batman and like spiderman are super heroes not the kind of heroes we are talking about right here right now. Like I look up to mom I want to be like her when i grow up. Maybe not as obese as her but nice like her she teaches me lessons like wheather to do this or to not do that. Not lessons like viola or violin But she does help me with my flute. But i want to quit band and she tells me to keep going keep trying.

Anonymous said...

i think a hero is someone u look up
at and ,it may not be SuperMan or, BatMan it could just be ur daddy or mummy or SpiderMan if u like him.

BY:KOOL KAT aka Gloria

Anonymous said...

For me a hero would have to be someone who would risk anything for someone else and loves you and cares about you.A hero isnt always someone that just goes out and saves people like in movies but someone who can get through something alive.

My hero would have to be my brother because he has been through alot and he has came out of it alive and has risked alot of things.And i know we get in fights but he will always love me and would do anything for me if you went and asked him right now and say would you risk your life for your little sister he would say yes.My brother Ryan.

Anonymous said...

her for me is someone who rickes anything they have to save someone in danger. movies make it seem like you have to have superpowers to be a hero but you don't all you have to have is a heart big enough to save anyone that needs help. my hero is my big sister. shes never let me fall and even though we fight i know we'll always get thought cause we love eachother

Anonymous said...

I think heros are someone you can look up to.my heros would be my be my mom and dad because they've always been there for me. and when i'm down they always find a way to make me giggle.

Anonymous said...

I think heros are someone you can look up to.my heros would be my be my mom and dad because they've always been there for me. and when i'm down they always find a way to make me giggle.

Anonymous said...

Everyone's a hero. Let me be the first to give them a prize