We have been reading about how advanced technology has become and have had several discussions about how it has made life more convenient for everyone. How has technology impacted your lives so far? How do you use technology in your everyday life? Do you think that the advancement of technology has had any bad effects and why?
Reading Class Technology
Posted by Mr. Boyer at 9:26 AM
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Technology has made things easier, but has made people lazier.
Technology is in a lot of things and it is used every day
Technology is really cool because if I'm bored I can just turn on a T.V.But its also bad because people don't read anymore and dont really go outside.
think that technology has made it easier to communicate. But technology has made us lazy because it does almost everything for us.
tecnology has helped alot of people by makeing life easyer in thier jobs or just intertaining them when they sre bored.
i think that tecnology makes people lazier bigger and not as active.
Technology has helped people get messages to one another faster but also made every one think that their message will get across immedeatly and ignorant to problems in the system.
We use technology to send Emails and to talk to each other on the phone.Yes I think that it has had bad effects because people are getting more lazy REALLY lazy.
Technology is very helpful to people and made a lot of lives easier however my dad said that when he was a kid there was hardly any overweight people now there is way more because you don't have to get of your bottom and do much
Techynology makes things easier,but I also think that the that it makes people lazy.I think that because instead of going outside for entertainment kids play videos and watch T.V ALL DAY!!
Technology getting better is good for the enviorment because now you type things rather than wasting paper to write things.
i think that the more technology we have it has an effect on people.like people might be playing violent games it might make them feel killing is easier than it probably is. but it has also made them alot lazier.and if their parents let them on the computer they might actually get kind of addicted to it and want to get off like my sister my mom will tell her to get off in 5 minutes she will be on for another hour til' she gets off.
technology has made us lazy and has helped us alot but we have lost lots of skills byt have gained from it to.
I think technology has made people miss the hard work that comes with some things.Like writing,now you can just type and print it out.
I think that technology has definetly made life easier, like with cars, but things like TV and video games have made people a TON lazier. Some is good and some is bad. We are also getting spoiled with technology. How many kids do you konw with cell phones and computers? A lot right? My point exactly. Once again some are good and some are bad. Barely anyone has a typewriter anymore.
I think technology has made thngs eaiser like it is faster than mail. also it has made poeple computer freaks like bill gates.
i think that the more technology we have it has an effect on people.like people might be playing violent games it might make them feel killing is easier than it probably is. but it has also made them alot lazier.and if their parents let them on the computer they might actually get kind of addicted to it and not want to get off.like my sister my mom will tell her to get off in 5 minutes she will be on for another hour til' she gets off.
Sometimes you don't always need easier because it makes people lazer and some people think that they can't live w/out it whitch they are soooooooo wrong.
peace around the world for generations!
I like the T.V I have to sleep eith the T.V on or I can`t go to sleept.But people don`t go outside and get exercise as much to. But I do like technology.
Technology has madde a lot of people's lives easier. One bad comment is that technology has made a lot of people really lazy
Technology has made things easier for me like how I can call someone long distance and talk to them. Also how I can get on the computer and look up vocab. words. I use technology in everyday life by watching my favorite shows and going on my favorite websites. Also seeing in light. I think technology has had effects on life because people are now becoming overweight and lazier.
Technology has made my life easier by dictionary.com, it is an easy way to know new words. I get on the computer everyday to check email and that kind of stuff.Well it has bad effects on our lives today, the T.V. It has gotten away from reading
technoligy is cool because when ever i get bored i ca get on the computer or i can watch T.V and cell phones are good technoligy to because when people used to not have phones they would have to go clear up to the person just to talk to them and the bad side to technoligy is it makes people lazier and people just sit down no one really reads anymore or even go outside people dont pay as much attention at school with technoligy so i like technoligy but i wish people wouldnt be as lazy as they are today because back a couple 100 years no one had technoligy and they had to make up games cause they had nothing to do so i think people should get more exersize
since there are cars we don't have to walk everywhere. it is also very good that we have light so we can see what we are doing. I think that technology is doing bad things the earth an example is cars because they are poluting the earth.
tecnolagy has really impacted my life but it also has helped it in the ways of internet and daily life but the tecnolagy now because now that all these vidio games have been envented people are lazy and dont do anything but sit in there eazy chairz all day playing vidio games or watching tv. ecept it has sort of helped the enviorment by using less paper and saving the TREES!!!!!
people are to lazy now that people have technology. i think we need more out door time. i use the computer all the time. i think we need stuff that we have to do stuff like the WII. maybe we should have more recess in school like at midle & high schools. maybe we should have more gym class like having it every day at schools. i think we have alot of techno stuff.
I think that technology has made are lifes alot easyier than you think.But some people think they can not live without technology.If we did not have technology we would not be able to communicate fast like we do now.For example computers and phones and e-mails and well we need technology but not to much of it or you will become lazy.
I think that if life is easyer you won't do very many things.
I think that technology has made life eazer but has also has made people more lazier
we use tech. everyday lik for instants the lightbulb and the cellphone and the computer and the teli but somtimes we take it all for granet and now we all are fat and lazy becuse of t.v.
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